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Pesta Blogger 2009 Highlights

The first visit ‘Exit 31′ to the Pesta Blogger 2009. Five of us, Wahyu Putra, Aditya Wahyudi, Franco Escobar, Fahrani Nisrina and I and our coaches EXIT, Mrs. Agnes was chosen to follow Pesta Blogger 2009 as guests of the community. Now, let’s enjoy the Highlights from Pesta Blogger 2009 from us!
In the Guestbook, we get nice souvenir from Pesta Blogger 2009. There are PB cool bag, pin, sticker, T’shirt, mouse pad, and other. Interesting thing! Then we go inside. Inside the Hall, we found many things of sponsor stand. They promote their products. First, we go to National Geographic booth. Mrs. Agnes and I get NG merchandise after we fill the form. Oh, it’s nice keychains. Then we go to U.S Embassy booth. It’s a main sponsor of Pesta Blogger 2009. We get more interesting there. And we get 5 books about U.S.A and 1 bestseller book for Free! Waw, if we buy it, we will cost Rp. 500.000,-. And we get free here.
Pesta Blogger is start. We go inside the room. There are 1200++ peoples here. Waw, I can not expressed in words. Let’s see some cool Pictures from me from Pesta Blogger 2009 at Saturday, October 24th 2009.
At the Red Carpet
at U.S Embassy booth
and Other highlights

from : shortstories-sharing.com

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Posted by raniran on Oct 26 2009. Filed under Artikel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

2 Comments for “Pesta Blogger 2009 Highlights”

  1. Hi, I also attended PB 2009 last saturday. It was great. I took citizen journalism for breakout session. I got a lot of knowledge from Mr. Pepih Nugraha (admin of kompasiana and Ms. Lili Yulianti (both are speaker for this session). It also encourge me to be a citizen jounalist


  2. Nice posting [narcism of course, hahahaha....]

    C U on next posting


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